Portfolio Show

The big day is here and I’m pretty excited that it’s coming to an end overall. Trying to prepare for this was long, but totally worth it. The pieces I wanted to show are my web comps, layouts, product labels, and compilation of many other pieces to show all my strengths. I hope to get […]

What is Color Management?

Color management is the development in which how color is corrected to meet standards of a client. The process goes three steps; monitor profile, and prepress, this is making sure everything looks correct for color output. Inch step a profile is placed into each system for consistency. First monitor is checked then the client receives […]

Basic Photo Editing in Photoshop

When editing photos these are the steps to take when editing a photo of someone so that he or she still looks natural. 1. Check for any shine on the forehead. 2. Clean up any blemishes that are noticeable and not naturally on the face. 3. Check for any loose hairs. 4. Brighten white of […]

InDesign Resources

The importance of using all these in building with the tools that I’m showing is so things are organized. You have layers that have what they are on them so that anyone can tell what it is. Pantone and other personal colors are shown that are being used in the document. It’s best to delete […]

Tech Journal

Lots of work to do and to pull out all of my old notes from the last two years of college. This is a cheatsheet that I can use for reminding me guidelines and things that I can use to give me references on how things work. I hope to carry this out and have […]

Importance of Templates

Why is it important to keep templates? The reason for this is because it is something that can be reused over and over again. Setting up an InDesign file as a template will make it new so you don’t have to recreate the same thing. The only thing is place objects into the appropriate places […]

Organizing Desktop

https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-turn-your-cluttered-desktop-tidy-haven-gloria-dwomoh?trk=v-feed&lipi=urn%3Ali%3Apage%3Ad_flagship3_feed%3BqLzF6smiGNLxmNsYDx8ELQ%3D%3D This is a great article I found that explains how someone can organize how to use their laptop with a lot of files. It’s very easy especially with Photoshop or layout program like InDesign.


Well we are finalizing our magazine spread and reading to impo it into the book. We have to create an index page and cover for the magazine. I will post some of the work for everyone to see it.

Magazine Continued

We finally did it. We got it done and learned how to use iRA where we printed out the cover first and set up the command workstation so that so once it printed everything it went to the manual feed tray to grab the cover and stable and fold it together.

Projects Continue

It looks like in our layout and print class were bringing our spread into this semester and do things more with it. I’ll keep you guys posted on what is going to happen.