
It’s so hard to stay focus at the moment. I just got some bad new where my friend just got in an accident on the highway. The news report says he lost control and hit a truck. His car is completely totaled. He may loose his leg for there was a lot of blood.

Sick Day or Two

Well as much as I warned you all to stay healthy. A cold hit me like a freight train. I had to call in sick so that I could recover. I’m still working and going strong. I wish the best of luck during this sick season.

Stay Healthy

It’s that time of year where it is easy to get sick. Everybody make sure to keep warm and wash your hands. It’s really cold here in South Dakota and mother nature has really hit us. Also remember to drive safe.

Beginning of a New End

It’s start of the semester and the beginning of going towards the end of school. It’s hard to believe that we are going to graduate in four months. There is no time like the present and making sure I keep my grades up and showing all the skills I’ve learned the last one and half […]